Full Couse | NC Dental Radiology

This course satisfies the dental radiography requirements of the North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners. This course allows out-of-state dental assistants or foreign dentists, who successfully score a 80% or higher on the examination, to legally take dental radiographs in a North Carolina clinical setting. This course contains a full lecture with videos, helpful PDF’s, the official study and a study guide video to help you score the required 80% or above. The NC Dental Radiology Safety Exam is included in this full lecture course.

    1. 1.1 | What to expect in this Full Radiology Course?

    2. 1.2 | Radiology Course Outline

    3. 1.3 | Acknowledgment Agreement

    1. 2.1 | FMX Chart

    2. 2.2 | Helpful Handouts

    3. 2.3 | Official Exam Study Guide

    1. 3.1 | Intro Into Radiographs

    2. 3.2 | Understanding Radiation Level Controls

    3. 3.3 | ALARA Principle in Dental X-rays

    4. 3.4 | Differences of Traditional vs Digital X-rays

    5. 3.5 | Different types of Xrays, Density & Contrast

    6. 3.6 | Radiographic Errors

    7. 3.7 | Let's Not Forget About PANO NO NO NOO!

    1. BONUS | YouTube Video Links

    1. 4.1 | Study Guide (Printable PDF)

    2. 4.2 | RAD Study Guide Video

    1. 35 Multiple Choice Questions

To help you pass the RAD Challenge Exam.

  • $597.00
  • 17 lessons